These technology resources will be valuable to you throughout your time on campus. The information below will help you get started with the IT services you need from the moment you commit to attend Clark.
Your Clark Account
Your Clark Account is the starting point for all services at Clark. It authenticates that you are who you say you are, allows access to the Clark network, and verifies what resources you have permission to use.
To begin using your account, you will need your account details. You can access these details through your admissions platform (Slate). If you need help locating your information, contact your admissions advisor.
Once you’ve located those, you can activate your account, and get started!
Purchasing a computer?
As an incoming student, you may be looking to purchase a new computer. Before making a purchase, consider the requirements of your program and courses. Certain programs may have graphics-intensive assignments, while others require typing papers and making spreadsheets.
ITS recommends certain specifications when buying new personal computers. Recommendations and information about laptops and desktops, including vendor suggestions, are available on our purchasing page.
Software available for students
Several common software titles are available to you at no cost. This includes Office 365, anti-virus, and other academic-related applications. Additional titles, including graphic design and data analytics apps, are available at discounted rates. For a full list of available titles, see our software page.

Before You Arrive on Campus
- Activate your Clark account to access Clark IT services
- Use the portal to check email and view your course schedule
- Prepare your computer to work on the Clark network
- See what software we offer

When You Arrive
Your first days on campus are a good time to get to know the services available to you. With your computer updated and secure, you can connect to Clark’s network and register your devices, including game consoles. Before classes start, learn how to print and use Office 365 tools for classwork and collaboration.

Other Useful Information
The following resources will help you learn about services you will find helpful for project work, team collaboration, and research.
ITS Help Desk
- Mon. – Thurs.: 8 am – 12 am
- Friday: 8 am – 5 pm
- Saturday: 12 pm – 5 pm
- Sunday: 12 pm – 12 am